Airway Orthodontics
CAAt Smile Orthodontics, our approach to orthodontics goes beyond just achieving straight teeth and a beautiful smile. We are dedicated to the overall long-term health and well-being of our patients. When a child presents with crowded or misaligned teeth, it can be a sign that their jaw isn’t developing correctly. Certain oral habits and jaw growth issues can contribute to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB). Airway Orthodontics involves treatment methods aimed at expanding a patient’s airway to address these conditions.
Understanding Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB)
OSA occurs when the airway becomes blocked during sleep, causing breathing to stop temporarily. This interruption triggers the release of cortisol, the body’s stress hormone, which increases heart rate and prompts the muscles to reactivate breathing. Although this doesn’t fully awaken the individual, it disrupts deep, restorative sleep repeatedly throughout the night. This continuous cycle leaves individuals exhausted and can have significant negative impacts on overall health, including impaired immune function, hormone imbalance, and increased stress levels.
– Enlarged tonsils, adenoids
– Nasal obstructions
– Narrowed jaws
– Recessed upper or lower jaws
– Tongue-tie
Symptoms of OSA & SDB:
– Snoring
– Mouth breathing
– Enlarged tonsils/adenoids
– Facial and jaw deformities
– Restless sleep and daytime drowsiness
– Moodiness
– Short attention span
Treatment Options
Our treatments are focused on promoting healthy jaw growth and improving airway function. Options may include:
・Growth-oriented Orthodontics: Expanding the jaw and advancing the upper and/or lower jaws to create more space for the tongue and improve the airway.
・Reduction of Obstructive Tissues: Collaboration with ENT specialists to remove enlarged tonsils or adenoids and address allergies or other obstructions. This combined approach often yields the best results.
When to Seek Treatment
Early assessment and intervention are key. While orthodontic correction is commonly initiated around ages 7-8, we can often make significant improvements for children as young as 3-6 years old with timely care. If you notice any symptoms of airway issues, contact our office to schedule a consultation. Our team is here to provide the care and support needed to improve your child’s breathing and overall health.